Scottsdale, AZ (PRWEB) May 30, 2013
SMARTTraining is announcing a summer series for fifth through eighth graders that will teach students how to create their own video games. As the Common Core State Standards move American education to “real world” experiences. It will be an exploration-based integrated program including writing skills as well as using mathematical logical reasoning to create 3 games.
As an avid game player and honors graduate from Arizona State Universitys Ira A Fulton School of Engineering in Computer Science, curriculum director Jennifer McElvania stated that her goal is to bring practical game creation experience to the intermediate and middle school student. She said, There is so much free software available where students can learn how to create and then market their own creations that we want to bring this real world skill in to the classroom earlier.”
Games NOW will help children understand a multitude of skills that will benefit them throughout the rest of their school years and after graduation, including interface design, problem solving, logical reasoning, and more.
SMARTTraining is hoping that this curriculum will be able to be used by teachers of all tech skill levels at schools across the country. The curriculum is being created as an independent lab style that teachers with little or no gaming or programming experience will be able to implement.
About Games NOW
Sessions will take place this summer in two locations. Candeo Schools in Peorira, AZ from June 10 through June 27 and Bencharmk Schools from July 8 through July 26. It costs $ 360 per session. For more information or to sign up, email Jennifer(at)singaporemathnow(dot)com
About SMARTTraining
SMARTTraining, LLC, (, is an internationally recognized provider of professional development in the math methods used in the country of Singapore. Founded in 2005, SMARTTrainers have worked with schools in 43 of the 50 States, met with and been trained by professors, teachers, and Ministry of Education members from Singapore, and been invited to work with numerous schools in European and South American countries. SMARTTrainers also present workshops throughout the United States and provide on-site training for schools desiring help with their math programs.
About SMARTTrainers: Visit to view biographies of all SMARTTrainers and to receive information regarding on-site training. To get more information regarding SMARTTraining, call (602) 570-1942.
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